News — Tough mudder

The New Barn Circuits

Circuit Training Circuits Melton Circuits Melton Mowbray group training Kent Country Fitness Melton fitness Melton mud runners Melton sport military fitness Mud runs personal training Team challange Team fitness test your body Tough mudder training outside Workout

Two fantastic new circuits. From Abs to Lunge walks and Battle ropes on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning to a mixture of volleyball net jumps to fast feet over the cones on a Thursday.  Exercising outside not only is healthier, It makes you feel better too. Rain or shine with the roof over our heads nothing will stop us! Check out the Tuesday and Wednesday circuit!

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Tough Mudder planned for May

Circuits Melton Melton fitness Melton mud runners Melton sport Mud runs Team challange Team fitness Tough mudder

Great news! We have finalised our booking for this years Belvoir Tough Mudder in May. Lots of mud, team work and undoubtedly loads of fun for everyone. Kent Country Fitness took in 2018 in the Derby X Runner, this year we though we would go one step further and try something, bigger and tougher!! Training is in full swing, pot holes at the ready, nice to see somethings don't change, I'm sure my clients are raring to go!!

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