News — military fitness
The New Barn Circuits
Circuit Training Circuits Melton Circuits Melton Mowbray group training Kent Country Fitness Melton fitness Melton mud runners Melton sport military fitness Mud runs personal training Team challange Team fitness test your body Tough mudder training outside Workout
Two fantastic new circuits. From Abs to Lunge walks and Battle ropes on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning to a mixture of volleyball net jumps to fast feet over the cones on a Thursday. Exercising outside not only is healthier, It makes you feel better too. Rain or shine with the roof over our heads nothing will stop us! Check out the Tuesday and Wednesday circuit!
Military Barn Circuits
Circuit Training Circuits Melton Circuits Melton Mowbray group training Kent Country Fitness Melton fitness Melton sport military fitness personal training Team challange Team fitness test your body training outside Workout

Camo cream on, Riffles (weights) in personnel possession at all times throughout the circuit. Drill time in the Barn. We pushed these troops hard during their Thursday evening workout. They moved as a team whilst testing their own strength and determination with their selected weights (as riffles). Lets see what week 4/4 brings!